Sunday, December 26, 2010

Official UFO

I had looked forward to receiving that issue of Official UFO.  The photo on the cover was taken 6 days before I was born, which was cool for some reason that I am not quite sure of.  The cover story also promised to expose the lies we've been told about Astronauts and UFOs.  So imagine my great disappointment when it arrived and I found out that cover story was written by James Oberg and is just a long debunking piece!

Compared to other vintage flying saucer magazines, Official UFO pretty much sucks.  Not just that issue, none of the others I received in that lot seem to be any better.  I suppose if I found another big lot of them really cheap on ebay I would buy more, but I would much rather have Flying Saucer Magazine or UFO Report.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Saga's UFO Report, March 1977 & The Mafia

As mentioned in the previous post, Tim Beckley did a lot of writing for UFO Report.  Yesterday he told me something interesting -- it was owned by the mafia!  He couldn't remember which family, but I did a search on the publishing company which was Gambi Publishing.  I found that the Gambino family owned a book publishing company called Gambit, so I think that is probably who it was.  Tim said, "you had to go through a meat slaughter house to get to their office."  How stereotypical!  LOL!

That said, UFO Report, which is sometimes Saga UFO Report, Saga's UFO Report or just UFO Report was a really great magazine with well written and very interesting articles.  I already have more vintage copies on the way.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Saga's UFO Report, August 1977

A fantastic illustration of a flying saucer near the WTC towers, back when they were still standing.  It goes along with an article called Saucers over our Cities, by Timothy Green Beckley.

In the same magazine is another article (or what I think is a reoccurring column) by Tim Beckley, called Saucers and Celebrities.  It had an account of a celebrity sighting that I had never heard before, though it may be in one of Tim's many books.  Musician Billy Squier had a sighting of what seems to be the BVM.  He and 3 others guys noticed a glow in the woods and went to investigate "a strange figure appeared out of nowhere in the midst of the glow."  Billy said, "The figure was that of a woman and I would say she looked something like a Madonna --- you know, like a holy statue."  The figure remained stationary for 30 seconds or so and then just disappeared.

Another great thing about this issue is the illustrations on a piece about "Florida's Bigfoot Terror."  Probably they are available online somewhere, but I am going to post them here anyhow:

From what I can tell by comparing the signature the drawings seem to have been done by Gabe Perillo, who is now the official artist of ESPN's Sports Century Series.

Flying Saucers Magazine, July 1963

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Magazine that Started it all!

This is the magazine that started it all. It is Flying Saucers Magazine from July 1961 and it was sent to me as a gift. I have always somewhat collected vintage UFO books (actually, any UFO books), but it had never crossed my mind to check out vintage magazines until I received that one and found out how AWESOME they are!